
調べ物:SOAPの要素を仕様書で調べてみた。 [XMLマスター]

今回はSOAPのenvelop, header, bodyについて。
「Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) 1.1」

SOAP consists of three parts:

•The SOAP envelope (see section 4) construct defines an overall framework for expressing what is in a message; who should deal with it, and whether it is optional or mandatory.
•The SOAP encoding rules (see section 5) defines a serialization mechanism that can be used to exchange instances of application-defined datatypes.
•The SOAP RPC representation (see section 7) defines a convention that can be used to represent remote procedure calls and responses.

◦The element name is "Envelope".
◦The element MUST be present in a SOAP message
◦The element MAY contain namespace declarations as well as additional attributes. If present, such additional attributes MUST be namespace-qualified. Similarly, the element MAY contain additional sub elements. If present these elements MUST be namespace-qualified and MUST follow the SOAP Body element.
2.Header (see section 4.2)
◦The element name is "Header".
◦The element MAY be present in a SOAP message. If present, the element MUST be the first immediate child element of a SOAP Envelope element.
◦The element MAY contain a set of header entries each being an immediate child element of the SOAP Header element. All immediate child elements of the SOAP Header element MUST be namespace-qualified.
3.Body (see section 4.3)
◦The element name is "Body".
◦The element MUST be present in a SOAP message and MUST be an immediate child element of a SOAP Envelope element. It MUST directly follow the SOAP Header element if present. Otherwise it MUST be the first immediate child element of the SOAP Envelope element.
◦The element MAY contain a set of body entries each being an immediate child element of the SOAP Body element. Immediate child elements of the SOAP Body element MAY be namespace-qualified. SOAP defines the SOAP Fault element, which is used to indicate error messages (see section 4.4).

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